Mortgage Advice in Derby For People Moving House

When you are ready to Move Home in Derby in order to progress further up the property ladder, you will need to take on the task of selling your existing home on the property market. You may have got the deposit for your next property purchase through the amount of equity in your home (the amount it sells for minus your current mortgage balance) post-sale.

The deposit can be increased in many different ways like your personal saving or a Gifted Deposit from a family member or friend. Both of these options are common among many First Time Buyers in Derby to achieve their homeowning goals, however, the option is available to those looking to move house in Derby.

As the seller of the property, it’s likely that you will a rough estimate on the lowest asking price you will accept, however, you may be open and willing to consider other offers out of this range. How quick the sale is can be effected by the way you market and present your home to potential buyers.

A Look at How to Prepare for Home Viewers?

How to decide on your asking price?

It’s best to look at whether your asking price is above the average price is in the surrounding areas. You need to be considerate and fair with the price regardless of if the estate agent told you that the property could be sold at a much higher amount, this doesn’t mean it will get sold at that price.

Cause as much traction to your property is something you need to do within the initial few weeks of your listing. With this in mind, if you find you aren’t receiving a lot of viewing for your property, you may want to consider dropping your asking price.

In the case where you have already found your potential dream home and are still living at your current house, it’s key that you sell it as quick as possible. This is why having a fair asking price can be beneficial as you are more likely to attract a potential a lot quicker.

How does your house look from the outside?

Through our time as a reputable Mortgage Broker in Derby, we have gained vital experience and extensive knowledge within the mortgage industry. In terms of properties, the main factor that always stands out to any homebuyer.

It’s all about first impressions which is why the outside of the property should be attractive to many potential buyers. Look at the exterior of your home through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before, is the front lawn well kept? Is there anything that needs fixing?

Having an eye-catching, well-presented exterior could be done by jet-washing your driveway and neatly mowing the lawn. Not only is the buyer looking at the house but also how well you have kept it which is why it’s key to consider these things because you want to demonstrate to the buyer that you have taken good care of your home.

Furthermore, this also will peak more interest to the buyer as they will see the outside looks good and will then wonder what the inside is like. Having this can make the buyer hopeful and could result in a potential sale.

You need to remember that this is first time the buyer is going to see your property and their initial impression will be key in their decision process and whether or not you will get a sale. Make the most out of the viewing by having that ‘kerbside appeal’ to interest as many buyers a possible.

How does it look from the inside?

Tidying up every part of your home can be a huge chore, however, it’s the best way to impress your viewers! You need to make your home look clean, welcoming and comfortable.

Decluttering is the first port of call, in particular, around the entrance of the property. Viewers need to see your home has been well kept as soon as they step foot on the property. Little details like a new doormat or a new doorbell can make all the difference.

As you have organised your hallway, it’s then time to clean each room in your house. Kitchen and bathroom need to be fully clean and taken care of as they are key parts of the house. Even the inside of any cupboards and wardrobes need to be nicely arranged and cleaned.

For those who smoke, the smell can usually linger around the house. Therefore, open windows to get some good air in the house before any viewers arrive. Try and remove any objects in the house that smell of smoke too as that could enhance the smell further.

All of your interior doors should look presentable with a fresh coat of paint if necessary, brass fixtures polished and make sure each for open and close as they should.

Let some natural light in each room if possible or some good lighting. Any darker room needs blinds and curtains open. The temperature of your home should be comfortable to enhance the viewer’s experience.

You should test all lightbulbs to ensure they are working. Tap into the senses further by ensuring your house has a welcoming smell. Try to avoid any cooking smell and go for alternatives like air fresheners, incense or oil diffusers.

Your viewer should feel at home

Eliminating any distractions that could affect the viewing like children or pets is key. You want to make them feel comfortable and calm without any unnecessary interruptions from small children and animals.

On the other hand, they may be best to have around. Many people could be looking for a home to settle down and start a family, it’s all about having that nice balance of welcoming and homey, to distracting.

Following on from this, it may be nice to display any family picture or painting to decorate the house. It can show to a viewer how a family has created fond memories in the home.

It’s good to let your home viewer roam free around your home so don’t crowd them too much. Couples usually like to have private conversations and comments they want to keep in mind as they look around.

Make sure the house is clean

As mentioned your kitchen and bathroom should be clean and spotless. Organise your belongings by putting away any items you don’t use often in cupboards and storage containers. This includes any towels and clothes which need to be nearly folded and put away with no coat hangers or any towels left on hooks or on the floor.

To create a fresh, clean essence to the home, think about washing your curtains, wiping your walls down and cleaning your floors and windows. Speaking of windows, they should be shiny and smear-free. Change out your bedding to clean, fresh bedding as well as carry out any minor repairs.

Consider looking at buying new carpets for smaller rooms as a cheap way to impress your viewer. Having fluffy, new carpets in place can show that you take care of your place and keep up with any moderations.

Make space for them to visualise a future

Creating an open space is something many homeowners don’t think about but can be beneficial for viewings. This can give the viewer an opportunity to look at how they would decorate the property and gives them some kind of canvas to mentally create on.

This is why you should put stuff that doesn’t need to be out into cupboards. You will be helping yourself by taking this approach as it means moving can be more straightforward by simply packing and transporting your belongings to your new home.

In terms of your kitchen, make sure your worktops are as clear as possible also put any pots away.

Have a presentable garden

The size or style of a garden could be at the top of many homebuyers’ preferances. You may find that it is a deciding factor for a viewer who is looking at your home. Generally at the back of the house, the garden will be a lasting impression when looking at your home.

Give your garden a good declutter by picking up any rubbish and putting away any unnecessary things. You shouldn’t be throwing everything in the shed as there’s a chance for homebuyers to look inside that too.

Check that your fences have their slats properly in place and are freshly painted or creosoted. Bright and colourful gardens can be eye-catching and inviting to viewers so add a nice variety of plans flowers as well as some garden decoration e.g ornaments, birdfeeders etc.

It’s all about making the garden look inviting and presentable to the point where a potential sale could happen. Carrying out some gardening tasks like removing weeds and dead flowers, cutting the grass, and removing grass clippings can help towards the overall presentation of the home

Be yourself with the home viewer

Not only does your home need to provide a good persona, but so do you! Being a good host can help towards the overall impression of the house. Be welcoming, honest and authentic towards your viewers. You need to sell your home in the best possible light in order to get a potential offer.

In order to be authentic and honest, mention any problems that occurred in the home whilst keeping a balanced perspective. For instance, if you had an issue with a leak in the past, say how straightforward it was to fix and that’s unlikely it will happen again any time soon.

In the case where you are working with an estate agent, it’s usual for them to earn their commission by talking to the property viewers as much as possible. Remember that you know your home as much as they do, you lived there yourself. Therefore, don’t hesitate to get involved and provide further information to the viewer.

Home Mover Mortgage Advice in Derby

The final point, consider the emotion attached to buying a home, in particular, if you are speaking with a First Time Buyer in Derby. For sellers with a family, let the viewer know about how important and memorable this home has been during your time there. This can leave a touching last impression on the viewer, especially for those looking to start a family or already have one of their own.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023