When you are nearing the end of your fixed-rate mortgage, if you are like the majority of homeowners, you will be looking at a remortgage in Derby. The good news for you, is that you are able to remortgage as many times as you like, yet this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.

Why do you want to remortgage in Derby?

Chatting with an expert mortgage advisor in Derby about your remortgage options could save you hundreds of pounds down the line. In addition to this, some people remortgage to release equity, which depending on your reasons for doing so, can be a financial helping hand.

Some may use that equity to remortgage for home improvements. Others may remortgage in Derby to free up enough equity to put down a deposit on an additional home, so long as you are able to maintain your monthly mortgage payments on two properties.

Can I remortgage early in Derby?

Whilst you generally won’t have any restrictions, if you do actually choose to remortgage in Derby before your fixed rate period is set to conclude, you may end up having to pay an early repayment charge (ERC).

If you took out a five year fixed-rate mortgage, then we would suggest that you remortgage in Derby once your deal has ended. Failing to do so could see you land on your lender’s standard variable rate (SVR), which can often be much higher interest rate than the initial mortgage deal.

Are there any benefits to remortgaging early in Derby?

It will usually depend on the reason you are looking to remortgage early in Derby. There are many homeowners who will choose to release equity in their property, in order to take out any necessary home improvements or to save themselves some money.

Make sure that you look at your agreement with your mortgage lender, as you will generally have to pay a early repayment charge, which is typically charged at a percentage of the remaining mortgage amount. Additionally, there may also be an exit fee to cover the companies admin costs.

Another benefit is having the option to lock into a new deal, once your current deal ends. That way, if rates do go up at any point, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your new mortgage will remain unaffected.

Can I remortgage in Derby with bad credit?

As long as you are able to show that you can keep up all your repayments, then it may still be possible to remortgage with bad credit in Derby. The longer ago your credit issues are, the better your chances. Some mortgage lenders might ignore ‘minor’ issues, such as missed mobile contract payments.

As is the case with any remortgage in Derby, the interest rate that is payable will entirely depend on your credit score and also the amount of equity in your home. With bad credit, it’s often quite high. You can also look at capital raising when you get in touch for remortgage advice in Derby

When is the best time to remortgage in Derby?

We would usually recommend that you start looking into your remortgage options around 6 months before your fixed mortgage period is set to end.

This will hopefully give you enough time for you to take out remortgage advice in Derby from an expert in the industry, as well as make sure your new mortgage is set up and ready to start just as your last deal is about to finish.

On the other hand, you may want to raise capital because your home is now worth much more money since you initially bought it. In this situation, it might be worth taking out a remortgage early to make an investment in a buy to let property or use the raised capital to make home improvements. 

Speak to a Remortgage Advisor in Derby

There is generally no limit on how many times you can remortgage your property, though most people will do so once their fixed-rate mortgage period is about to end.

Whether you end up remortgaging in Derby early or once your fixed-rate mortgage deal has ended, we would highly suggest enquiring for remortgage advice in Derby so that you can make sure your mortgage payments do not fall onto your mortgage lender’s SVR (standard variable rate).

Book a free remortgage review today and speak to a trusted mortgage advisor in Derby about your remortgage options.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023