What is a mortgage broker in Derby?

It’s no secret that we think going with a mortgage broker would be your best option, however that isn’t the only path you can take. Sometimes it is worth exploring your options. Generally speaking though, we find that most people opt to side with a Mortgage Broker in Derby. Let’s take a look though at the positives and negatives of both, allowing you to decide for yourself.

As a general rule of thumb, a mortgage broker (like Derbymoneyman) will charge a broker fee on top of the costs you are already needing to pay for. On the flip side, the majority of mortgage lenders won’t require this, leaving you with money still in your pocket.

On top of this, going to a mortgage lender directly will open you up to exclusive deals you can only get through going to them. This attracts business from both those looking to get a mortgage and even mortgage brokers. These are also only allowed to be offered by the broker itself and not just anyone in a branch without proper mortgage advice training or consumer protection knowledge.

Luckily in 2014 this was banned nationwide, only allowing for experienced and fully qualified mortgage advisors in Derby to provide any kind of mortgage advice and product recommendation. This took a while for people to get used to however, and some customers were left waiting for a month, sometimes even more.

Even today, this can still happen to some customers. This isn’t the best when you have already had an offer accepted on a property you like. It’s reasons like this that mortgage applications via mortgage brokers went on the rise. A part of our charm is offering a same day service, hoping to put you through with a qualified mortgage advisor in Derby as soon as possible, often within the same day unless the customer requests otherwise.

Fast & Friendly Mortgage Advice in Derby

In the days before the 2010s, it was a lot harder to look as possible mortgage deal comparisons, whereas nowadays everything is now at your fingertips and easy to find out. The hardest part now is not comparing, but rather finding criteria that you match up with and features that can be tweaked to match your individual situation. It is still advised that you be wary though, as deals with the lowest fees often come with the highest arrangement fees.

Something else to look out for is affordability. You could find the greatest deal in the world with a lender, but if you can’t afford it, you won’t get it. This in turn ends up being a large factor as to why people opt to use a mortgage broker in Derby. Using our knowledge of lender criteria, we will do our best to find you an appropriate and affordable deal for your circumstances.

With regulations these days being a lot tighter (a lot of that being thanks to the Credit Crunch), mortgage applications are not as easy as they once were. For the inexperienced home buyer, it can be an overwhelming experience to go alone. Here are some possible hurdles that customers may find along the way:

  • I am receiving self-employed income.
  • Being a contractor or working under a zero-hours contract.
  • I am using a mixed deposit source, i.e. Gifted & Savings.
  • Opting for Let to Buy. Renting your current home to buy another.
  • I am struggling on the affordability front.
  • I have a poor credit history.

Mortgage Lender Versus Mortgage Broker in Derby

Over the years, Mortgage Lenders had gotten rather competitive with each other, trying to offer better deals than their fellow lenders. Due to legislation changes post-Credit Crunch, most of these changes are now in regard to the lending criteria.

Some of these examples include how much they are willing to the self-employed versus the employed, as well as leniency when checking previous credit report issues.

Your circumstances are completely unique to you. Whatever the situation, it is unique to you. When speaking to an experienced Mortgage Broker in Derby about your situation, it will be likely that they have encountered something similar in the past. Hopefully with their experience in play, you’ll end up with the most appropriate deal for you, along with lower interest rates.

Why a Mortgage Broker in Derby Will Benefit you

Our service is more than just mortgage focused. Even if the application is simple and straightforward, customers will often still rely on a mortgage advisor in Derby for more. Customers are welcome to discuss with us how much they are planning to offer on a property, and we can recommend services such as solicitors and property surveys. One of our most important services is running through any available protection with our customers.

Something else we pride ourselves on is the ability to be a responsive mortgage broker in Derby, offering out of hours and weekend appointments to all our customers. Our dedicated team of mortgage advisors in Derby are available 7 days a week!

A factor that gets overlooked regularly, is that most applicants seem to be busy and need the assistance of a mortgage broker to handle the mortgage proceedings and eliminate possible stress. Professional applicants can reap the benefits of this as well, as they have their own clients that they are able to charge their services to.

In the future, we could see lenders wanting to bring back more customers from mortgage brokers. In this case, it’s unlikely that they will invest in more staff, instead opting for a more technological route.

For anyone looking for a quick and easy process, who is comfortable doing things that way, it’s great. Mostly we find though, whether they are First Time Buyers in DerbySelf Employed in Derby, or looking to Remortgage in Derby, people prefer people and would much rather have human interaction and input in their mortgage case.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023